year 8 YEAR

in-therm brand was created in 2012 by SE-TA Co.Ltd. which is the incorporated company of Intek Group Co.Ltd. Intek Group Co.Ltd., carrying out its activities in heating, water heating, and air conditioning sectors, was established in Bursa in 1984. In its own sector, the company is increasing the quality and expanding the range of products day by day. Also, it keeps the place as an industry leader by following innovations in the sector. As a brand,in-therm aims to have a high degree of productivity and quality, work in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and provide advanced technology to its consumers . In the near future, in-therm is supposed to be leader in the sector with its widespread authorized dealer, authorized service, and sales point network. SE-TA Co. Ltd. aims to be innovative,competitive and capable of developing with in- therm. in-therm’s know-how and experience in the heating, cooling and automation systems field provide a progression on the way to global success. By having rapid growth and strong dynamism of change, and by its strong presence in sales, production, service and design of the heating, cooling, air conditioning and automation systems, in-therm is one of the developing companies in Turkey. ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and Processes supports the targets of in-therm and aims to improve the constant improvement and monitoring. While performing the mentioned quality processes, in-therm ensures sustaining the needed resources and the customer satisfaction by following existing laws and laws related in-therm is constantly building and improving the needed infrastructure in order to be a world class player in product and service quality.

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